Achilles Tendonitis Treatment near Nailsworth
At SA Running Injury Clinic, located near Nailsworth, Achilles Tendon Issues rank among the top three injuries we encounter.
Achilles Tendon Injuries
Athletes coming to us with Achilles injuries report experiencing:
- Achilles tightness, mostly in the morning after, and especially after an active day exercising or hiking
- A sensation of pain and discomfort after participating in sports such as dance and football
There are three prevalent injuries that generally impact the Achilles Tendon:
- Achilles Tendinitis (Achilles Tendon inflammation)
- Achilles Tendinosis/Tendonopathy (Achilles Tendon degeneration)
- Retrocalneal Bursitis
Achilles Tendinitis Treatment (Achilles Tendonitis Treatment)
Achilles Tendinitis (Achilles Tendonitis)
Achilles Tendinitis is the most frequent Achilles Injury we see at SA Running Injury Clinic. This condition involves inflammation, tendon thickening, and swelling. Without early intervention, Achilles Tendinitis worsens over time, making prompt treatment crucial.
Morning stiffness at the back of the foot is a typical symptom, which improves with exercise as the body warms up but returns when it cools down. In the initial stages, the site is attended by cells trying to manage the inflammation, allowing for easier treatment and rapid recovery. If left untreated for more than 6 months, it can develop into Achilles Tendinosis (see below), potentially taking 6-12 months to recover.
Achilles Tendinosis/Tendonopathy
At SA Running Injury Clinic, athletes often come to us with Achilles Tendon injuries that have persisted for over six months. By this advanced stage, the tendon structure has altered considerably, making the condition harder to address.
Achilles Tendinopathy, also known as Achilles Tendinosis, is an advanced stage of chronic Achilles Tendinitis that lacks inflammation. Individuals with this condition experience micro tear breakdown, thickening, and scarring of the tendon. Although there is usually no warmth or redness at this stage, the area remains tender. At SA Running Injury Clinic, we frequently treat Achilles injuries, with patients coming from all nearby suburbs, including {suburb}.
Retrocalcaneal Bursitis
At times, we encounter a more challenging injury called Retrocalcaneal Bursitis. This involves inflammation in the lubricating fluid-filled sac located between the heel bone and the Achilles tendon. Often, a bony bump appears on the outside-top border of the back of the heel, known as a Haglund's deformity.
SA Running Injury Clinic offers a 7 Part Program designed to alleviate your Achilles Pain:
- Suggest sneaker models tailored to your individual foot profile
- Correct poor foot biomechanics, walking, or running patterns using custom orthotics
- Regimens of ice, stretching, massage, and dry needling
- Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy
- Achilles injury specific strapping
- Improve running technique and retrain gait
- Adjust your running and training program
Address your Achilles Tendon Injury
You can book an appointment near Nailsworth at SA Running Injury Clinic online or over the phone. Please note we have two clinics.
Call SA Running Injury Clinic, North Adelaide : 8239 1022
Call SA Running Injury Clinic, Eastwood : 8357 0700